
January 2015: Transfer of activities to FONTAINE

04 février 2015

Performing the preparatory study for the relocation project has allowed us to avoid unpleasant surprises. This careful preparation has limited the impact of upheavals generated by such a project on our customers' production.

The preparatory study began with an analysis of our flow. The analysis of the organisation has led to the identification of all our needs and all our constraints.

These formal elements have validated the future organisation.

The preliminary study was continued by analysing our tools and identifying the key constraints related to procedures, equipment, energies, IT and electricity flows.

This first phase concluded with a synthesis confirmed by the teams.

Reviews and synthesis committees were necessary to ensure that no significant organisational element was forgotten.
Taking everything into account is essential for this kind of project to succeed.

The other purpose of this validation was to achieve a gradual and certain adhesion of the company's teams, and this was absolutely the case with INTER LOGISTIC's teams.



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