Promotion logistics in Europe

Promotion logistics and the link with direct marketing

It is considered that one decision out of two is taken on sale point. That is the reason why 25% of the decision makers stake on the promotion and approximately a fifth on the direct marketing.

This market is in full growth, and that's the reason why Inter-logistic Europe fits its offers towards one of its specialities : launching logistics.

The promotion logistics needs fine abilities and an exemplary organisation, the development centre has to be directly linked with the marketing department and promotion agencies.

The organization must indeed absorb the inherent peaks in the launching campaigns, that is the reason why the promoting campaigns are a logistic area where this exemplary organisation is strategic.

In this field, logistics is not only moving things around. Thanks to Inter-logistic Europe's efficiency, we can rapidly answer atypical requests.

In fact, conducting a launching promotion consists in :

  • receiving, stocking and assembling the promotional supports
  • affixing promotional stickers
  • assembling and setting up the presentation desks
  • distributing communication tools

A lot of tasks that need to be treated by a company with a minimum of experience and adapted tools and skills.

A fundamental process 

Launching a product or a service has become a fundamental process. Indeed, you just need to look at the big firms who do most of their sales within the few days after launching their product. This just adds another reason to take the promotion logistics seriously.


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